Scheduled Website Maintenance
There is scheduled website maintenance on the weekend of July 26th, 2024. Our Learning Portal will be offline during this time.Friday 7/26 starting at 11:59 pm CST and ending on Sunday 7/28 at 2:00 pm CST.
We apologize for any interruption in service that may arise.

Subscriptions make it easy to earn state CE credit and designations quickly.

Environmental Strategy, Energy, Cyber, 1-hour webinars & 8-hour classroom events.

*Self-paced courses only **Must have a CIC, CRM, CISR, CSRM, or CPRM designation to access.
Our annual online subscriptions provide flexibility while earning professional designations and are an easy way to earn state CE credit and complete annual license/designation requirements.
Subscriptions also come with member benefits such as access to online MEGA Seminars**, bi-weekly e-newsletters, AlliBot (AI Knowledge Bot), and digital publications.

The National Alliance Has Revised Its Name To...
We’re the Risk & Insurance Education Alliance.
(formerly The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research)
The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research has refreshed it’s name and logo to reflect the nonprofit organization’s evolution and expanded services. The insurance industry’s leading professional-development resource is now the Risk & Insurance Education Alliance, or simply the Alliance.
“Alliance” was retained in our name to embody our volunteer partnerships; and by adding "Risk," our name now represents the breadth of learning opportunities we offer and the fact that managing risk is the industry’s overarching goal.”
William J. Hold, MBA, CRM, CISR, President & CEO of the Alliance

Risk & Insurance
Designation Programs

Log professional development hours & learn about niche industry topics with our PRO Series.
New topics are added regularly!

The Alliance leads the industry with programs that recruit and develop new talent, open doors to niche environments, develop critical selling skills, and provide advanced training.

50+ Years of
Trusted Education.
Average Subject Rating
Average Faculty Rating

Our practical risk management and insurance courses are taught by active insurance practitioners, include policies and forms currently used in the field, and guide you through real-world scenarios to give you a deep understanding of what your clients are facing today. The knowledge and skills you develop in any one of our courses or designation programs can be put to use immediately and make your career soar.


Driving Change: How the 2024 Driver Risk Report Influences Policy and Practice

The Awkward Intersection of Tech and Insurance: Live from Insurtech Insights

The Passing of a Lovely Friend: Marietta McCain, CIC Emeritus

A Young Insurance Professional’s Perspective of the Hard Market

Risky Quizness: Who Qualifies as an “Insured” Under the ISO Homeowners Policy?