You and your agency are at a transition point. Maybe you’ve reached a fork in the road or need to respond to an action you can’t control. Or, maybe you’re starting your own agency!
Whether you’re working on a perpetuation plan, merging with an agency, or selling your family agency, you may find yourself needing guidance. The agency lifecycle is complex. Successfully planning and implementing change or negotiating transactions isn’t easy.
That’s why we updated one of our most valuable publications, Starting, Buying, Selling, and Perpetuating Insurance Agencies. This guide includes 380 pages of detailed logistics, considerations, worksheets, and examples to prepare you for the big changes ahead.
If you’re starting an agency from scratch, learn why you need a short and long-term plan, how to manage revenues and expenses, and what to do when it comes to client retention.
Looking to sell? Find out how to prepare an agency profile for potential buyers and check out a sample nondisclosure agreement.
More than 25% of agency owners are over the age of 60. If you’re among those headed toward perpetuation, when should you sell? What questions should you ask when selling or gifting your agency to children?
With any of these scenarios, there are financial implications you need to know about. That’s why our guide also includes legal agreements, tax forms, and checklists that are practical and easy to understand. No matter what stage you’re at, each transaction is unique and requires a specific approach.
But don’t take our word for it. The National Alliance Research Academy surveyed 372 independent insurance agency owners about starting, buying, selling, and perpetuating insurance agencies. Those results appear throughout the book to show the latest trends and strategies among real-life, on-the-ground agency owners.