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Empowering outstanding individuals to provide exceptional account management and customer service.

State Winners Announced!
Click below to view the 2024 State Winners List!
2024 State Winners
Sarah Sutton, CIC, CISR | Arkansas | McGhee Insurance Agency |
Karen Weddle | California | HUB International |
Kirk Malcolm, CRIS | Colorado | PFS Insurance Group, LLC |
Julie L. McCaffrey, CIC, CISR | Delaware | CBM Insurance Group, an Alera Company |
Sherrin Hilliard, PLCS | Florida | Strategic Insurance Services |
Amanda E. Retherford | Illinois | Heneghan, White, Cutting & Roentz |
Hannah Agresti | Indiana | Ashlin Hadden Insurance |
Katy Cavin, CISR, API | Louisiana | HUB International |
Jonelle Sherburne | Maine | Cross Insurance Agency |
Danielle Webber, CISR Elite | Maryland | Maury, Donnelly & Parr |
Amber Bowie | Massachusetts | Cross Insurance Agency |
Megan Klaphake | Minnesota | Ross Nesbit Agency/Kensington Insurance |
Rachel Rumker, AIC, AIC-M | Missouri | Ollis/Akers/Arney Insurance Agency |
Kimberly Hongsermeier, CISR Elite | Nebraska | Adams Insurance Advisors |
Kalea Hall, CISR | Nevada | Leavitt Insurance Agency |
Diana Hobbs, ARM | New Mexico | Kysar Millennium Leavitt Insurance Agency |
Nicole Eggert, ACSR | New York | Mackoul Risk Solutions |
Dorian Harmon, CPRM, CISR | Ohio | Knight Insurance |
Chris Orr, CSRM, CPCU | Oklahoma | BancFirst Insurance Services |
Kayla Morton | Oregon | HUB International/Hanson Insurance Group |
Wanda J. Binder, CISR | Pennsylvania | Brosky Insurance Agency, Inc. |
Maria C. Alejandro Estrella, CISR | Puerto Rico | Riskone Solutions of Puerto Rico |
Katherine Watford, CISR | South Carolina | Sumter Insurance Group, Inc. |
Rebecca DeSersa | South Dakota | Han, Inc. dba Nelson Insurance Agency |
Sonnie Tremble, CIC, CRM, CISR, ERIS | Texas | The Insurance Man & Associates |
Tristen Privette | Virginia | Commonwealth Insurance |
Christi Lea May, CISR Elite | West Virginia | Insurance Centers, Inc. |
Lindsey Henry, CIC | Wisconsin | M3 Insurance Solutions, Inc. |
Valerie Roybal, CISR Elite | Wyoming | USI Insurance Services, LLC |
2024 Essay Prompt

Please submit a 500 to 1000- word essay on the following topic:
“In today’s volatile economy, both property and auto markets are in turmoil, with soaring rates and inflation impacting insurance agencies and their customers. CSRs face unexpected challenges from global events, economic shifts, and emerging risks. Explore how resilience and adaptability are crucial for CSRs to navigate these challenges, maintain customer satisfaction, and share real-life examples of success in meeting evolving customer needs amidst adversity. In your essay, discuss how the dual pressures of economic instability and customer expectations shape the role of CSRs, and discuss the innovative approaches and best practices employed to mitigate challenges and foster enduring customer relationships”
Rules & Rewards
How Does It Work?
*Individuals who nominate the national winner to receive a $1000 cash award.
Entry Submission Includes:
■ Entry Form
■ 2 letters of recommendation from professional references
■ 500 to 1000-word essay

*National Qualifier Stage:
If selected as a State Winner, a short video entry will be required for consideration for the National Competition. Video guidelines will be sent to State Winners when selected.
History Of The Competition
The Outstanding CSR of the Year competition started in 1991 to honor customer service representatives and account managers who have made significant contributions to the insurance and risk management industry. The competition is sponsored by the Society of Certified Insurance Service Representatives (CISR) and the Society of Certified Insurance Counselors (CIC)—proud member organizations of the Risk & Insurance Education Alliance.
We encourage you to nominate your best customer service representatives and account managers to compete for the Outstanding CSR of the Year award. The competition is open to any insurance customer service representatives or candidates primarily responsible for customer service regardless of affiliation or professional designation. Candidates interested in participating in the competition may also nominate themselves.
2023 National Outstanding CSR of the Year

Katie Shipp, CISR, CAWC, Commercial Account Manager for Dodge Partners Insurance, in Omaha, Nebraska, has been awarded the most prestigious honor available to insurance customer service representatives: National Outstanding CSR of the Year.
In her essay, Katie mentions what empathy means to her. She states, “To me, empathy is the backbone of Customer Service, and quality Customer Service is what I’m passionate about. I tap into my empathy for others in daily interactions with clients, during carrier meetings, and especially in claims.”
Katie receives a cash award of $2,000, a distinctive gold and diamond lapel pin, and her name on a sculpture at The National Alliance headquarters. A National Alliance scholarship will be awarded to her employer, Dodge Partners Insurance.
2023 National Finalists
2023 Outstanding CSR of the Year Finalists
Meet this year’s finalists! Each finalist receives a special gold and garnet pin, a $500 cash award, and nation-wide publicity.

2023 State Winners
Tracy Miller | Arizona | LeBaron & Carroll |
Bobbie Sanchez, CISR | Arkansas | Newman Ralph Browning Insurance Agency |
Andrea Scaletta, CISR | California | Arthur J. Gallagher |
Heather Salvador | Colorado | Weedin Agency, Inc. |
Susan Vance | Illinois | Abbe Insurance Agency |
Kari Hendrix, CIC | Indiana | Dimond Bros Insurance, LLC |
Lori Steffen | Iowa | Perspective Insurance |
Melvia N. Means, CISR, CPIA | Kentucky | Houchens Insurance Group |
Heather M. Bouley | Maine | F.A. Peabody Company |
Amy Strout, CISR, CPIA, AILP/PL | Massachusetts | Bender Hatch Insurance, Inc. |
Jaylen Miller, CISR Elite, CSRM | Minnesota | Dwight Swanstrom Company |
Carlene Fauver | Mississippi | Higginbotham |
Sharon G. Cross, CISR | Missouri | Ollis/Akers/Arney |
Jodi Sprauer, CISR | Montana | HUB International Mountain States |
Katie Shipp, CISR, CAWC | Nebraska | Dodge Partners Insurance |
Kelsey Heath | New Mexico | Kysar Leavitt Insurance Agency |
Emily Gregory, CISR, CLCS, CBIA | North Carolina |
McGriff Insurance Services, LLC |
Nicole Perry, CISR | Ohio | UIS Insurance & Investments |
Kailea McGehee, CIC, CISR | Oklahoma | Omega Insurance Agency |
Katie DeWitt | Oregon | The Simmons Agency dba Stratton Insurance |
Brendalisse Rivera-Casanova, J.D., CIC, CRM, CISR | Pennsylvania | Gunn-Mowery, LLC |
Stacy L. Spurling | South Carolina | |
Julia Simpson | Tennessee | Insight Risk Management |
Sonnie Tremble, CIC, CRM, CISR, ERIS | Texas | The Insurance Man |
Jenn Zandy | Vermont | Union Mutual Fire Insurance Company |
Nicole Noonan, CISR, CLCS, CPIA | Virginia | Welch, Graham & Ogden Insurance, Inc. |
Jennifer DeGeorge, CIC | Wisconsin | Vizance |
2022 National Winner

Tiffanie Courtney, CIC, CISR, CRIS, Senior Account Manager of M3 Insurance in De Pere, Wisconsin, has been named the National Outstanding CSR of the Year, the industry’s highest distinction for customer service personnel in the insurance industry.
Courtney was chosen as the national winner from a pool of 35 state winners by the Society of Certified Insurance Service Representatives (CISR) and the Society of Certified Insurance Counselors (CIC). In order to choose the winner, a panel of judges looked at the five national finalists’ essays and their contributions to the insurance industry.
In her essay, Ms. Courtney mentions the legacy that she would like to leave behind. She states: “It isn’t the large experiences that make you who you are. It’s the small ones. I am my own painting. Every brush stroke is a conversation, a touch, an opportunity to share, learn, guide, and reflect. We change directions and colors. When you look closely you can see each one but take a step back and see the whole picture, it’s a masterpiece! The masterpiece I want to leave behind in this industry is that I cared enough to take the time to make someone feel heard and important, to share my knowledge in a usable capacity, and to exceed expectations. Paving a path for others to see the potential in the industry and have a passion for service.”
2022 National Finalists
2022 Outstanding CSR of the Year Finalists
Meet this year’s finalists! Each finalist receives a special gold and garnet pin, a $500 cash award, and publicity in the national trade journal, Rough Notes.

2022 State Winners
Rose Griffith | Arizona | The Coverage Pro |
Jennifer Goree, CISR, CAWC | Arkansas | BXS Insurance |
Linda Hernandez, CISR | California | Apollo Insurance Services |
Caytlyn Griffith, CIC, CISR | Colorado | CRS Insurance Brokerage |
Christina M. Pritchett, CISR Elite | Delaware | Wilgus Associates, Inc. |
Alissa Collins, CPCU, AAI | Florida | Plastridge Insurance |
Darcy Castrejon | Georgia | Buckle Insurance |
Korinda Sprague | Idaho | Hub International Mountain States Limited |
Amy Merced, CAWC | Illinois | Worthy Insurance Group |
Stacy McClaine, CISR | Indiana | Central Insurance Associates, Inc. |
Martha Elliott, CIC, CISR, CIIP, ANFI | Kansas | Cornerstone Kansas City |
Melissa Baxter, CISR | Kentucky | Houchens Insurance Group |
Heather Hall, CISR | Maine | Cross Insurance |
Roxanne Glessner Cameron, CISR | Maryland | ACM Insurance Agency |
Pamela Da Silva, AU, AINS, MLIS | Massachusetts | Marsh & McLennan Agency, LLC |
Rebecca Thomas, CISR | Michigan | Select Underwriters |
Brittany Ratke | Minnesota | Christensen Group Insurance |
Laney Ward Smith | Mississippi | Insurance & Risk Managers |
Pamela Hamilton | Missouri | Ollis/Akers/Arney |
Cathi Schuett | Nebraska | FNIC |
Suzanne Sanders Durante, ACSR, CLP | Nevada | Durante Insurance & Financial Services |
Amanda Petrylka, ACSR | New York | Mackoul Risk Solutions |
Jennifer L. Gordon, CISR Elite | North Carolina | Morrow Insurance Agency, Inc. |
Wendy Kegley | Ohio | Fourman Insurance, LLC |
Megan Smith-Vinson, CISR Elite | Oklahoma | Messer-Bowers Company |
Ashley Buell, CISR | Oregon | KPD Insurance |
Amber Patterson, CISR | Pennsylvania | Howard Hanna Insurance Services |
Madeline Ivette Perez Allende, CISR Elite | Puerto Rico | Velox 24 Auto Insurance a Division of Colonial Insurance Agency |
Jennifer Ridgill, CISR | South Carolina | McGriff Insurance |
Pamela J. Lunzman, CISR | South Dakota | Farmers Union Insurance/Tom Farber Agency |
Alicia Potter, CISR | Tennessee | RSS Insurance |
Sonnie Tremble, CIC, CRM, CISR | Texas | The Insurance Man & Associates |
Andrew Skypack | Vermont | Kinney Insurance Agency |
Tiffanie Courtney, CIC, CISR, CRIS | Wisconsin | M3 Insurance |
Amy Jo Ratcliff, CIC, CISR | Wyoming | Hub International Mountain States Limited |
2021 National Winner

Ms. Darnella Rodriguez, CIC, CRM, CISR
is the 2021 National Outstanding CSR of the Year
Darnella Rodriguez, CIC, CRM, CISR, Account Manager for Higginbotham, in Austin, Texas, has been awarded the most prestigious honor available to insurance customer service representatives: National Outstanding CSR of the Year.
In her essay, Ms. Rodriguez mentions what it takes to provide excellent customer service.
She states: “You have to give sound advice, and it requires communication; you need to effectively communicate coverages and work well with others to ensure activities are done correctly and in a timely manner. But to truly give unique customer service, you have to put yourself in your client’s shoes, be two steps ahead of them, and be ready to provide solutions to anything and everything that comes up. That’s how you add value to a client’s business, by giving them the peace of mind that once they send over something or reach out to you, you will get it taken care of and minimize their concerns.”
Ms. Rodriguez receives a cash award of $3,000, a distinctive gold and diamond lapel pin, and her name on a sculpture at The National Alliance headquarters. A National Alliance scholarship will be awarded to her employer, Higginbotham.
2021 National Finalists
2021 Outstanding CSR of the Year Finalists
Meet this year’s finalists! Each finalist receives a special gold and garnet pin, a $500 cash award, and publicity in the national trade journal, Rough Notes.

2021 State Winners
2021 Outstanding CSR of the Year State Winners
Meet this year’s State Winners! Each State Winner receives a framed certificate and national recognition.