Join Dustyne as she rallies Academic Directors at the National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research to openly chat about what they love most about their roles at the National Alliance, which programs are their favorite, and share some indispensable tips on studying and test-taking. This team jives and strives to be one cohesive force as The National Alliance sees their programs in the future with integrity, innovation, imagination, and a fourth value… awkwardness.
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About Our Guests:

Cat Ferris, CIC, CRM, CPCU, CLCS, AU
is the Commercial Lines Academic Director with the National Alliance. In her twenty years of experience within the industry, Cat has focused most of her career in commercial underwriting, and independent agency training. Based out of Gainesville, Florida her hobbies include bodybuilding, gardening, and spoiling her dogs more than her kids.

Paul Martin, CPCU
is the Director of Academic Content and Academic Director Team Lead for the National Alliance for Insurance Education &Research. Paul works with Alliance faculty, agents, and other industry professionals to deliver high-quality insurance content and education. During his career, Paul worked as an adjuster, underwriter, special agent, company manager, and independent agent. Paul has been an insurance educator in Texas for over twenty years.

Sarah Warhaftig, CRM, JD
is the Academic Director of Risk Management programs for The National Alliance where she is responsible for the Certified Risk Manager, the Certified School Risk Manager, and the Certified Personal Risk Manager designation programs.

started his insurance career in 1979. He spent 21 years in the agency business, 9 years at the Florida Association of Insurance Agents, and 7 years on the insurance company side of the industry. Jay was the interim CEO for Applied Client Network and CEO of a construction risk wholesale operation. Prior to coming to The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research, he was an insurance educator, a consultant to agencies, companies, and industry partners, and an expert witness for both technical insurance and agent E&O cases. In addition to being an Educational Consultant, Jay is a member of the National Faculty, teaching CISR, CIC, Ruble Graduate Seminars, and PROFocus topics across the country.