Becoming a Faculty member: What’s in it for you?

Faculty members are a highly respected and skilled insurance and/or risk management professionals. In addition, they are extraordinary speakers prepared to “show” as well as “tell” students how to increase their results through applied practical knowledge. They have proven their expertise by achieving the highest evaluation ratings and continually revising and updating their presentations. They have learned a great deal through our programs and their own experience. They are ready to teach.

The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research is always interested in talented, highly qualified, and dynamic insurance and risk management professionals and practitioners for its faculty team. Are you ready to take the next step in your career?


General Qualifications and Requirements

  • A National Alliance designation or other industry recognized designation
  • Insurance and/or risk management technical expertise and experience
  • Current participation or involvement in the insurance industry and/or risk management field
  • Teaching or training experience with strong communication and presentation skills
  • Ability to create and effectively use visual aids
  • Proficiency in the use of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint
  • Other qualifications and requirements applicable to specific National Alliance education programs

Faculty members are independent contractors and have no employment relationship with The National Alliance.

If you meet the above qualifications and requirements and are interested in faculty opportunities with The National Alliance, please send your Prospective Faculty Profile Form and resume or C.V. to for consideration. Additional information and materials may be requested.

Do you need an answer immediately?

Check out our FAQ page!

Welcome To the Alliance!

The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research is now the Risk & Insurance Education Alliance, or simply “The Alliance”.  For more details, please read our Press Release.